Tuesday, April 29

Fiber Arts Puzzles

Check out this fun little crossword. It's perfect for students young or old who are learning to knit, crochet, or spin.
Sheep Shearing Crossword

If you are a fiber arts teacher here is another idea. I like to use this Discovery Education Puzzlemaker site to generate puzzles, like word searches and mazes for my students to work on at the beginning of class while they have snack. For the word search, I use knit and crochet terms along with types of fiber and other notions, like knit, stitch, purl, wool, cotton, needle, hook, etc. I've also generated a maze then added my own illustrations like a sheep for the start and a ball of yarn for the end. The site is great because you can adjust the size of the puzzle along with the difficulty level.

Does anyone else have tools they like to use to make learning the technical terms fun?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzlemaker is awesome! I used to use that when I lived in Japan to make crosswords and word finds for my students. They really enjoyed them.