That's me and Contessa when I was 5. My parents told me she was dog napped in the night, but now that I'm a parent, I think that was a parent-certified fib for she passed away.
The (k)nitty and the gritty:
6:55 wake up to hear the shower running.
I must get out of bed when the shower is running or I'll end up yelling at the kids because we're late for school. It's a good thing my husband is a creature of habit. If it were up to me my kids would be going to a school that starts at 11 am (is there such a school?).
7:00 -7:20 take long, hot shower, then will myself to get out and start the morning routine
I'm sure that I deserve a F on the eco-minded report card for using too much hot water
7:22 - lay on bed in my towel thinking about getting dressed
7:32 finally get dressed
7:35 find almost 6 year old son in the living room watching the Today Show, because he doesn't know how to turn the channel on our super duper extreme remote control thingie, and tell him to go get dressed
7:37 go to almost 9 year old daughters room
SkaMama: (sing song) Ally, time to get up
Little Acorn: (loudly groans)No!
SkaMama: (sing song) It's a beautiful day, let's walk to school.
Little Acorn: (loudly moans)
Pick out clothes for daughter to wear to school while thinking about how the Supernanny would probably chastise me for enabling my daughter to be lazy in the morning, but I mean c'mon the girl can't have coffee yet. I don't know how morning people do it.
7:50 nag kids to eat cereal, pour big cup of coffee
8:00 nag kids to get their shoes on
8:05 nag kids to get their shoes on
8:10 "why don't you have your shoes on?!?!?"
8:15 Thad and I walk Ally to school, it's sunny and already warming toward record temps (finally)!
8:45 back home, arrange for playdate so I can get some editing work done today
9:00 Thad plays on the computer, I get a call from Amy about a tech edit. Then, we chat about book projects both our own and others and her big move. She's stopping in Seattle on the way so we get to have a playdate!
I love when I can actually talk to other crochet designers on the phone rather than through email or blog posts. Except for Chloe, who writes emails with lots of anecdotes, I feel like we're chatting on the phone anyway.
9:30 email my editor that she really needs to contact Amy for a book project; email Mary Beth to confirm spot on Getting Loopy!.
10:00 play football with Thad in the front yard while we wait for his playdate to come pick him up, organic delivery shows up - Yay, radishes from Oregon! Boo, they didn't send the Beechers Mac and Cheese.
10:30 Thad's off, make peanut butter on mini bagel, refill coffee then sit down to work on the final proofs for one of the the best crochet books ever, email Robyn to tell her it's one of the best books ever.
10:32 check email, Ravelry, bloglines
11:00 okay, now get to work on those edits
12:00 lunch: another peanut butter mini bagel and a banana, set up a jar of tea to brew in the sun, a rare treat in the Northwest
1:00-2:00 meet Thad at Trader Joes and finish weekly grocery shopping
2:30 put away some groceries, get distracted and forget to put away the pantry food
2:45 walk to pick up Ally at school, kids are drooping big time in this heat
3:30 snack of frozen pineapple, brie and sourdough bread, finish putting away groceries and produce
Yay! It's Friday, no homework!
4:30 Thad's best friend comes over and they load up the water guns and play in the backyard
4:30-5:45 enjoy a glass of iced sun tea while outlining and sketching ideas for a collaborative book project with another crochet author/designer, take another stab at using the drop spindle - refer to Shannon's book Spin to Knit: The Knitter's Guide to Making Yarn
5:45 oops forgot to put sunblock on Thad but now the backyard is shady, must remember sunblock next time, get dinner started: boil pork with oranges and onions
6:00 Thad's friend goes home, dinnertime: shredded pork tacos with soft corn tortillas
7:00 clean up, vacuum, move laundry around in an attempt to keep it from devouring our house
7:30 get kids in jammies and teeth brushed, don't forget to floss!
Don't underestimate the value of flossing your kids teeth. My son just had to have a mini root canal yesterday and now sports 2 shiny metal teeth. He's very proud of them by the way. He thinks he's Metal Man!
8:00 take off for family night at the drive-in for back to back Narnia: Prince Caspian and National Treasure 2, remember to bring blankets since kids will probably fall asleep.
8:05 swatch crochet stitch patterns for my new book idea in the car
What I learned from writing Uncommon Crochet
9:00 watch Narnia: Prince Caspian while snacking on nostalgic candy and popcorn
Hmmm, Bottlecaps and Ju Ju Bees will definitely lead to more silver teeth. No Ju Ju Bees for Metal Man!.
11:45 longest movie ever and it was kinda boring, Thad's asleep and Ally is struggling to stay awake so we decide to skip the second movie and make our way home.
12:00 carry sleeping kids into their beds
12:10 fall asleep and dream in swatches
For more Day in the Life of Crochet Insiders, check out these posts
Annie Modesitt, Modeknit, June 2nd, Monday
Kristin Omdahl, Styled By Kristin, June 3rd, Tuesday
Brett Bara, Manhattan Craft Room , June 4th, Wednesday
Annette Patavy, Mots et Mailles, June 6th, Friday
Seriously, they told you she was stolen rather than tell you she died? I think it would be a little more disturbing for a child to hear that some people had stolen their dog than to, you know, get the death talk.
OK, I wrote my meme!
Ah, the drive-in! One of my happiest childhood memories was of going to the drive-in with my dad and siblings (yep, we wore pajamas too!).
We're down to only one drive in here in the Cleveland area, about a 35 minute drive east from where I live (interestingly, close to my sister's house). There was one about a 20 minute drive west (again, interestingly, close to my brother's house!), but it closed last summer - American Greetings, which has it's national headquarters in Cleveland, bought the property and turned it into a park for their employees.
My husband and kids and I tried to go there the year before last on a Friday night to see Cars, got there about half an hour before the movie started, and it was so crowded, we were turned back at the gate. We ended up going back that Saturday, and had to get there an hour and a half beforehand to get in. We had a great time. I'm still sad that it closed. : (
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