Monday, March 16

Inside Crochet Teaser Ad

Here is the teaser for Inside Crochet Issue 1 as advertised in the latest issue of Yarn Forward Magazine. The preview should be up at Inside Crochet as early as tomorrow.
The top photo is the cover project, a flowering mobius from Amanda Perkins of The Natural Dye Studio. The lower image is for a Kimono Jacket designed by Chloe Nightingale.


laughing purple goldfish said...

you must be so excited to see all that hard work come together... congratulations :)

TurquoizBlue said...

Exciting!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to get a copy.

Megan said...

Yay, it looks great! Are you going to start a Ravelry group for it?

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me if this mag is going to be available in stores and if so....which ones. Not sure if I want to order online!
