Thursday, March 13

Art Crochet

Handmade, originally uploaded by Tanja7301.

Crocheted baby, crocheting a baby, while being watched by crocheted babies. That is what I consider mindful crochet. Be sure to download the large size to see a glimpse of the cute baby toes.

Meanwhile, I've started my Beginning Handwork class at the grade school. It's mostly 2-3 graders, which is perfect. Is there nothing better than hearing kids say "I love sewing" and "this is so fun" while sitting around working on their first embroidery samplers? We've made a pin cushion for their pins, dabbled in plastic canvas needlepoint and they've begun their samplers. I must try to remember to take photos next time. Ally is officially my paid assistant and she is most excellent at threading needles and detangling projects.

1 comment:

Vera said...

These Crocheted babies are so adorable.I never thought of crocheting something as beautifull as this.