Wednesday, July 28

New Pattern Coming! Seattle Slouch Hat

With an unexpected burst of creative energy last week, I designed a new hat pattern with customizable options. The Seattle Slouch Hat

To slouch or not to slouch, I think that was the question. With this pattern, you decide how much slouch you want your hat to have. If you say, “No way, José!” then go ahead and choose the Slouch-less option. If it’s “Like, totally slouchy, to the max!” then check out the Super Slouchy option. For the rest of you who think that a little goes a long way, the Slightly Slouchy option is probably best for you.

The pattern is offered in three sizes to fit older kids to grown-up's with larger noggins, like myself. Included are a few additional customizing options to make the hat longer, shorter, or a little less lacey, if so desired.

The pattern is in testing and will be available shortly. Stay tuned. 


Anonymous said...

My vote is for TOTALLY SLOUCHY!!! Love it - very cool and the colors are great =)

The Big Burbs said...

Ooops you did again... and again ;)

Super beautiful and so is your model <3